
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Bila Kita Patut Sabar?

Bismillah ar rahman ar rahim..

hmm. masuk hari ni, dah hari ke-5 rumah aku takde air. mak aih. guna air tiap kali sebaldi je, agak tak seronok di situ.

dah buat report, dah komen2, dah bebel2. nak basuh baju woo.. dah la posting. baju masuk wad entah segala macam virus and Bakteria!!

tadi, kawan aku cakap- Ena (BNS) - air maybe gini lagi 5 hari. waduh2. kok kebangetan. aku pun ape lagi, bebel2 bo be bo be.. tapi, die kate air ada skang ni. sekarang yang sekarang. la ni time aku tulis ni ada air.

pastu, aku pun balik la. jalan kaki balik dari wad. sorang2 aku jalan - coz Lei balik lambat sikit- aku terfikir.

"eh, ape yang aku bebel kan tadi?''

astaghfirullah. aku lupa aku tengah diuji. aiyo.. serba salah wei. malu rasa bebel2 nak basuh baju la segala bagai nak rak. ni baru xde air 5hari- aku rasa 3 hari je coz gi kenduri aritu.

orang kat Afrika tu, jumpa air entah berapa kali. minum air urin lembu. masyaAllah.

tu lah manusia. aku la ni. time2 tertentu, xsedar diri yang hang tu duk diuji. sabar tahap mana. benda2 kecik boleh la sabar, tapi time diuji lama sikit nak meletop je tau.

kalau tak marah, nangis. ish2..

sabar tu dalam Quran tu banyak kali disebut. tak ingat ke? duk baca tu buat ape kalau tak masuk dalam hati?

ingat ye kawan2.. sabar sebahagian daripada iman. manusia turun kat dunia ni untuk patuh pada DIA, dan ingat boleh suka2 ngaku beriman selagi tak diuji? ingat beriman sangat ke kalau suruh sabo jap pun tak boleh?

astaghfirullah. aku cuma mampu beristighfar panjang..


Photo Contest - Cuba2 jak nih.


adeh. macam mana la boleh tak perasan syarat2 photo contest nih...

aku join photo contest kat sini..

haha.. tak tau dan ke tak dan ni. hari ni tarikh akhir.. tema die "I Hope..."


My first photo contest will be simple, and i am so looking forwards you all's talent and creativity.. I will give a theme of a picture and you will snap a photo that express the theme.. (put your watermark to approve that is your own capture.. ;))

The theme will be :

(either specifically yours or general.. ;)

Rules of the entry :

1. The contest is open for My Life. followers only.. :) (if you are interested to join, do follow k?)
2. Post an entry about this photo contest.
3. The picture must be your own picture k..
3. Put the contest banner (above) at your blog's sidebar and link it to this entry.
4. Leave your link to the entry at this post's comment box.
5. Tag at least 3 friends and notify them about the contest ;)

The prize will be RM10 ! :D

the contest will be end at 13th March 2011.

I am so excited to see your creativity.. Show me your best k?


All the best !

p/s : the participants name list will be updated time by time.. :)"

Title: I Hope There Is No Pollution I

Title: I Hope There Is No Pollution II