
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Doodle di kala takde mood~

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah..

Aku pun tak tau apa motif gambar ni.. haha.. Sila kata dia comel.

p/s: Aku abaikan segala kerisauan Sila abaikan. Bwahahaha..Ok, fake.

Goose' Dream - Insooni

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah

I just want to share a Korean song. Hey, wait. This is not just another Korean song. Read the lyric first and then you can find the song yourself. Youtube is always available. :P

A Goose's Dream / A Swan's Dream by Insooni

I have a dream,
Even if I'm thrown away or ripped to shreds
Deep in my heart
I have a dream as precious as gem

If by chance, without a reason,
Somebody ridicules me behind my back
I should be patient
I would wait just for that day.

As you always worry,
You say that foolish dreams are poisonous.
Just like a book that tells us about the end of the world
There's the reality that we can't turn back already

Yes I have a dream.
I believe in that dream
Please watch over me
Standing in front of that cold wall called fate
I can firmly face it

One day I will pass over that wall
And be able to fly
As high as the sky
This heavy thing called life can't tie me down
At the end of my life, on the other day that I can smile, let's be together

Yes I have a dream.
I believe in that dream
Please watch over me
Standing in front of that cold wall called fate
I can firmly face it

One day I will pass over that wall
And be able to fly
As high as the sky
This heavy thing called life can't tie me down
At the end of my life, on the other day that I can smile, let's be together

Yes I, I have a dream
I believe in that dream.
Please watch over me
Standing in front of that cold wall called fate.
I can firmly face it

One day I will pass over that wall
And be able to fly
As high as the sky
This heavy thing called life can't tie me down
At the end of my life, on the other day that I can smile, let's be together

 From web

“Sesungguhnya Allah tidak mengubah apa yang ada pada sesuatu kaum sehingga mereka mengubah apa yang ada pada diri mereka sendiri. Apabila Allah menghendaki untuk menimpakan kepada sesuatu kaum bala bencana (disebabkan kesalahan mereka sendiri), maka tiada sesiapa pun yang dapat menolak atau menahan apa yang ditetapkan-Nya itu, dan tidak ada sesiapa pun yang dapat menolong dan melindungi mereka selain Dia”.
 (Ar-Ra’du: 11)

p/s: I love this song. How about you? Don't you find it encouraging?

What happens on 14 February 2012?~

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah.

14 Februari 2012.

Hari ni, hari lahir adik aku. Adik bongsu, lelaki. Umur dia dah masuk 14tahun. Detik kelahiran dia, aku takkan lupa. Sebab masa tu aku dengan adik kena tinggal kat rumah nenek. Pukul 10pm arwah abah telefon nenek beritahu adik dah lahir. Seronok je aku masa tu. belum tidur walaupun dah lewat.

Aku berharap banyak kat adik aku ni.

Hari ni jugak, adik perempuan aku pertama kalinya buat kek. Dia paling lambat siap. Dari pagi sampai waktu rehat tak siap-siap katanya.

Petang tadi, dia mesej ramai orang buat kek Valentine, tapi dia buat kek untuk adik. Dia kata, macam kek paling hodoh dalam dunia. Kalau boleh dia nak hantar je ke rumah. Kesian dia mesej, aku jawab buat tak layan. Tengah tensen melayan anak buah. Asyik nangis ajak keluar je.

Sekarang baru aku rasa kesian pulak. Hehe. Dah la pertama kali jauh, mesej kakak dia tak dilayan pulak.

Tak berani berkata kalau.

p/s: There are too many questions, too many worries. The past and the future are tying me in a knot. Feel like been strangled and couldn't breath. Only God knows.

Bertukar ganti~

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah.

Sebelum ni, aku pernah cerita tentang tawaran kerja personal nurse kat Kuantan. Aku terpaksa tangguhkan sebab urusan adik aku nak pergi belajar.

Tadi, aku mesej encik client dan tanya sama ada tawaran masih terbuka. Dia kata, jawatan tu dah diisi. Nampaknya, bukan rezeki aku kat situ. Tak apa lah. Takkan sebab aku nak kerja, aku tak nak uruskan adik aku nak belajar kan?

Ni masa untuk adik aku pulak.

Bila bukak FB tadi, kawan aku cakap, lecturer aku suruh call. Siapa yang belum dapat kerja call puan tu sebab dengarnya ada kawan nak offer kerja.

Pukul 10am tadi, aku mesej lecturer yang dimaksudkan.

"Please try to call pfor Ho because she said some private hospital ask her to introduce new graduate to them for job. Her number is ********** ."

Nampaknya, masa depan aku masih belum nampak dan lorongnya sentiasa bertukar ganti. Apa pun, aku belum call prof. Ho lagi. Jap lagi nak dekat-dekat waktu rehat baru call kot.

Sebenarnya, sangat berdebar-debar nak telefon. Takut sangat-sangat.

Tidak ada seorang muslim pun yang mengalami penderitaan, kepenatan, kesakitan, kesulitan, kesedihan dan kebimbangan yang merunsingkannya melainkan dihapuskan sebahagian daripada kejahatannya.
(HR Muslim)

 “Aku mendengar Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam bersabda, tiga hari sebelum Baginda wafat: “Jangan seseorang di antara kamu mati, kecuali dia bersangka baik kepada Allah.”
(Hadits riwayat Muslim, Abu Daud dan Ibnu Majah)

p/s: Banyak idea tak tertulis. Banyak blog tak terjenguk. Banyak urusan tak terbuat. Banyak hal tak terfikir. Akhirnya, duduk tak buat apa-apa.
The road not taken. Another appear. But these two feet never know. To where they should go~